The waking up early is becoming a thing.. don’ faint but I was up at 7am again today. Wild! Fortunately I was, as I had an early morning message from Morné my pairing partner from Day 4 asking to do a revision session before my dream team meeting at 9!
We spent some time going over my code from yesterdays Oyster Card pairing exercise looking at the use of certain testing helper tools. It was super helpful for me to explain my new knowledge to make sure it is really is cemented in my brain.
From there the Dream team met for our usual session and spent most of our time discussing our proficiency in testing. That and if we prefer Dogs or Cats? — for me, I don’t like either.
Today’s workshop was part of the EQ series at Makers — we were discussing feedback, how best to ask for and receive, as well as frame and deliver feedback. Which actually was far more interesting than I thought it would be.
It gave us all resources to be able to have quite blunt but constructive conversations in order to help us improve.
After the workshop, I got a message from Katie — a woman I was paired with on an open session in December who has just started her pre course (so is a cohort behind mine). I had offered to help her if she got stuck and she had, on the exact same issue I had on the pre course. It was really nice to feel like I actually knew something for 5 mins and actually be able to help her!
For lunch I managed to get in a walk with the addition of a guided meditation especially for walking(thanks Annette for the tip). It was quite a surreal experience but it definitely got me to slow down, breathe deeper and find beauty in everything around me! Love it!
My pair partner for the day was Miranda — I was excited to finally be pairing with one of the women of the course. Miranda was only a step ahead of me so it was nice to hit the ground running together.
I really enjoyed this session as it was very tough — we are on exercise 14 of 16 but also because Miranda is a powerhouse that knows her shit. We worked together on some really tough problems but both had the opportunity to support each other.
The pairing session ended with both of us asking for feedback — time to flex our new skills. We had some very frank discussions, of which I really appreciated and she said she did too, but both came out with game plans on how we can improve ourselves for tomorrow. Winning!
Software and Soca
To celebrate winning at life today, I took to youtube for some inspiration and found a 2016 tune I have not heard for a while! Enjoy