Well it is Friday night of week 10, 50 week days of the course are completed and in 14 days I will be sat here as a graduate of Makers Academy. Today was mostly a day of reflection here are some of my thought and gratitude for an awesome experience that still isn’t over.
Muscle building
One of my biggest struggles at the start of the course was working that large blob inside my skull into a working machine. Add my dyslexia onto the fact that this is probably the first time I have pushed myself to learn, I put a lot of pressure on myself. It took a few weeks but once I reflected on the most effective ways of learning, I am so excited that the rest of my career I am expected to be constantly learning.
New friends
I saw a picture on IG today that said Libra’s (me) are the shyest loud people you will ever meet. I spoke briefly on the blog about not fully being myself as I was not entirely comfortable around everyone on the course. Today I had some of the best chats and have organised post course walks in the park. I am so fortunate to have met some incredible people who I know will be a big part of my career and life for years to come!
Support Network
I was already very grateful for an my incredible support network but especially the past two weeks my friends and family have really held me up and allowed me to push forward. For that I am truly grateful.
It is an on going joke that a 3 year old has a better attention span than me, well I have finally broken free of my wondering brain. I have finally found a profession that can keep me engaged and focused for hours on end, seems like it wasn’t me rather the direction I was focusing.
Professional Network
During most of my career, I never thought I was very good at networking. Past my initial shyness of new people, whenever someone said rely on your network, I didn’t really have anyone relevant to call upon. What I had never realised is I was building the perfect network for my future. I am so blessed to have scores of people that are willing to support and guide me on this journey and I know have barely scratched the surface.
Self belief
Finally, the thing I am probably most proud of my growth in my self belief. It is still an ongoing battle and we have a long way to go, but I truly thought this was a lost cause. I wouldn’t say i’m 100% there but definitely at least half way! This will only improve and here is my public commitment to myself to keep pushing.
Here is to the next 2 weeks of my final project. Wish me luck!
Software and Soca
Here is a classic Kes as I couldn’t wish for more in my life right now and I Love it!