It’s the penultimate day of group project and it is surprising how thing just seem to come together. Although it would be a damn sight easier if I could sleep before 4am!
That plus a protesting computer has slowed me down quite a lot today. My Thursdays always start with a Morné catch up. He has taken quite a disliking to Ruby on Rails and cannot wait for this project to be over.
Dream team today was so fast I actually cant remember what we were talking about but as always we have the most fun. Final day of working on the project functionality today and as usual I stayed on the Rails functionality and finally it is starting to make sense! We decided to use another gem to plug in the commenting functionality.
It took us all day to get working but finally Anna and I got there and it is actually pretty impressive — from tomorrow I will be able to give you a working link to test it all out.
For tomorrow we have to prepare a presentation of our project so from now we are working on making it look pretty and triple checking it all works well. I cannot wait to show you all!
Software and Soca
I am really missing St Lucia right now and it isn’t my home yet but it feels like I am homesiiiick! Here is Ricardo Drue and homesick!