After an incredibly tough last few days I am definitely feeling much better so back on the blog we continue. I decided to do minimal amounts of the weekend project mostly because I couldn’t think straight — I set up some basic structures but decided my time was better spent healing and with my family and friends.
I am so grateful for my friends supporting me through this weekend. From kind messages and calls to flowers and food, I truly felt so humbled to be so loved. This time is doubly tough as usually I would take some time out to work through my emotions but alas, I don’t have time for this right now.
Moving into week 9, I have less than 4 weeks until I graduate and I am feeling the pressure even if it is just from myself. We are back on our two week Acebook group project again.
The project is progressing well at a nice pace. The graduating class from last week gave some advice that couldn’t be truer — if you think it will take 1 hour, budget at least 2 hours as there will always be things to fix, change etc. This was how our day progressed today — a 10 min fix ended up taking the best part of an hour and half to organise.
After lunch I forgot I had booked another external review — number 3 on the cards — usually I would have spent time over the weekend preparing for it but too late now, and too late to cancel so come what may I entered the review.
Todays challenge was a spell check app where if a word is spelt in correctly instead of being corrected it will return the incorrect word in tilde’s — and no I don’t mean the rice! ~ this squiggly line is a tilde, who knew??
At first I was freaaaaking out — I couldn’t visualise a path to a solution. This isn’t the most important but some visualisation is needed to understand what tests to do and in what order.
But all my training and practice kicked in and off I went, about 5 minutes in, the path I wanted to take clicked in my head. I took a really methodical approach and it paid off — 30 minutes later I was passing the key test set in the review!
I can’t say it was the cleanest, cleverest or most perfect code but that definitely wasn’t my goal today — considering how far I have come from my first stake in the ground is incredible and my reviewer was impressed again with my progress.
Just another reminder to keep my head down and keep pushing!
Software and Soca
Today’s choice isn’t soca but a concert I have been enjoying. The legendary Reggae artist Beres Hammond live concert from last night! Enjoy and keep smiling ❤