Day 38 — Belief

2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Today has been a little bit of a struggle, mostly because I was a fool at midnight. I couldn’t sleep so picked up my phone and to my surprise my feedback for my review had come in. Without thinking I opened up my document and was absolutely gobsmacked and pretty close to tears — wild reaction for a PDF!

My last review was a flop and this one, in my opinion was much much better. You are measured over 9 competencies at three levels

  • Strong — basically perfection.
  • Steady — You credibly demonstrated this competency in the session.
  • Improving — You did not credibly demonstrate this competency yet

My first review was 80% improving and 20% steady — I actually thought that was being very kind. I hadn’t really thought about what I would get in this review so I was dumbfounded when I got 100% steady. This doesn’t look the most impressive — it is by no means perfect, but I took review 1 as my stake in the ground and wanted improvement and I definitely delivered.

Great for my coding ability not so great for my sleep — from here my mind went on a magical mystery ride for about 2 hours until I came to a stark realisation about how happy I am with life right now. On paper my life isn’t perfect but happiness is more about the pursuit than the destination and I am loving (most of) this journey.

I am starting to actually build some self belief — only taken 31 years and I am excited for this new found confidence to be out in the world, once we are open again. My journey is only just beginning, but I can say without doubt, big things are coming.

In other news, today was hard, but we will keep working until it stops being new and therefore no longer hard!

Software and Soca

I hope you are ready for another classic Machel for this Wednesday? She ready is an oldie but just know I am ready!




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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