Day 33 — A road less travelled

2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Happy Hump Day! We are mid week and I am feeling good, whipping out a blog before I have a catch up with the coding bestie Margo, so this will be brief!

Today I was a rollercoaster of emotions — I spent my morning watching a coach code and then decided to go and build my own javascript testing framework. Something that yesterday was completely baffling me, I decided to tackle head on.

I used a walkthrough from Alice our coach this week to get me started and I decided to try and build my own version of RSpec/Jasmine with similar syntax. After building out the basics my confidence was rising so I decided to add some more complexity.

I was building matchers for lists(arrays) and dictionaries(Hashes) which because each time they are created they have different identifiers they can’t just be compared with equality. It is like trying to compare twin brothers, yes they are both people, boys in fact but their names and attributes are different.

So in order to compare lists and dictionaries you have to compare attributes like names, hair colour, height not just say they are both boys so they must be the same. I wasn’t entirely sure I could do this when I started out but by the end I had completed both with some pretty complex code.

My afternoon was spent firstly showing my group what I had done with my testing framework and then we turned to Louis’ work on saving state. This means the browser will keep the information you have inputed and returns it to you.

We ended up deep in the mix of his code trying to get it to work for us, it may have taken all two and a half hours but the feeling of elation when it worked was very worth it!

Wednesday was back off to the process workshop. I have decided to keep doing them in Ruby so I can get my practice in. I was stuck which problem to choose 1. A harder problem I had done before 2. An even harder problem I hadn’t done before. I chose the former but I should have chosen the later.

I managed to screw up my code because I tried to pre-empt what was coming. Definitely a lesson in taking the path less travelled, I would have learned more. Oh well, you live and learn!

Software and Soca

Todays choice is a song that definitely reminds me of such good times. Here is Devon Matthews and Ella Andall with Make it, because I will indeed make it, at some point!




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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