Day 24 — Satisfied

3 min readFeb 4, 2021


My Thursday morning started with my now weekly catch up with Morné — we jump on a 9am Zoom and generally just discuss our current feelings, weeks revelations and anything else that crops up!

Most of our catch up was talking about our future desires what roles we think we want. I am definitely leaning my thoughts towards a backend/full stack role as I am finding the backend — functionality building — much more challenging and rewarding. As we continue to ramp up I will definitely revisit these thoughts to see if this is still the case.

Pete sent an awesome link for a CSS template stylesheet last night that plugs straight into the type of web app we are building, so most of our session was spent explaining this and him showing off how he had updated his rock paper scissors game to look like street fighter 2 — much more impressive than it sounds. I have planned to try it out, maybe less street fighter, tomorrow!

This should cut out a lot of time learning CSS from scratch — for the moment. I have started a course but it takes a lot of learning for things to be looking good — so this is a good hack in the timeframe we have.

Our group project has been progressing along nicely and we jumped straight into planning like we do every morning. This makes sure when we have questions about how to structure something we don’t to get back together for consensus as this is all agreed in advance. Additionally we had a broken test from the day before that we wanted to get to the bottom of.

Tatsiana our coach came in to help us with the broken test — it had flummoxed all of us and all of the googling options had not worked for us. Fortunately, Tatsiana said we had done all of the tests correctly but our set up configuration wasn’t enough. This definitely made us feel better and is something we can be aware of and spot ourselves for future projects.

Unfortunately, fixing one thing can lead to breaking others and for Ollie and I — this meant breaking everything. We spent the rest of the morning trying to get our computers back to ground zero and working again. I am not entirely sure what the problem was with my Mac but I think it was to do with the recent system update and a programme called X-Code.

Once I had reinstalled X-Code, and re-downloaded a bunch of stuff I managed to get it to work — but by then it was lunchtime!

Lunch was a plate of leftovers and some plantain I needed to fry, but nothing I would normally write home about but today included more enjoyment. If covid wasn’t rife around the world it would be time for Trinidad carnival, with the borders closed in Trinidad it would be virtual this year.

One of the local radio stations had a live concert on Twitch with Lyrikal and Patrice Roberts performing. So my usually pretty quiet lunch was spent with me dancing around the kitchen, frying Plantain and enjoying the full show.

The afternoon we finally got to coding something and I was back on the backend of the code — the functionality, but this time it felt different. I finally understood how my ruby code interacts with the code I use to find and change things within the database — all the work I have done the past 10 days finally made some sense.

Everyday on this course is not easy, by no means but everyday I write this blog feeling very satisfied — when times get tough I need to remember to keep working, because its not hard, its new!

Software and Soca

My lunch time concert included this song and it is 1000% how I feel right now so here you it is — Lyrikal — Happy Place ❤




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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