Day 23 — Tired

4 min readFeb 3, 2021


Honestly I am just tired — nothing more. I am not sleeping that well this week and it is starting to have an effect on my mood and concentration — I has taken me half an hour to even start writing this post, but we move!

Dream Team this morning was a lot more on topic than usual — mostly sharing how we had been navigating the hurdles we had been coming across and then ping on our cohort channel on Slack and Tatsiana was telling us that it was our opportunity to step up and forward if we would like to mentor any of the new students that had just started their four week pre-course.

I jumped at the chance, it is definitely a great learning tool for me to share what I know as it really solidifies what is going on in my brain — which is in a pretty constant fluid state. We are expected to put up a little about ourselves and then mentee’s can reach out for a chat before mutually agreeing a mentorship…this comes with a little hiccup for me.

I hate and I mean HATE writing about myself — I would rather not do things than write about why you should pick me. True story — I didn’t apply to University immediately because it required a personal statement and I couldn’t write a page about why a university should accept me.

Fortunately, I am much better at asking for help these days and the Dream Team pointed me in a direction and Sean straight up volunteered to write it for me!

Although it was a little brash for my style:

(written by Sean) Before Makers I worked as a project manager in Tech — mostly making sure dev’s had cool places to work. I am known as the expert on my course just ask Jack. I love all things Caribbean especially the Rum, in my spare time when I am not fixing all my peers code I go to Caribbean festivals. Always happy to chat about anything

As I said, a little OTT for my style and I would prefer not to be calling myself and expert. Fortunately I am not the best at writing but I can edit so we ended up with this:

Before Makers I worked as a Project Manager in Tech — mostly making sure developers had cool places to work. Started as an Excel enthusiast and decided to level up but had zero knowledge of code before prepping for Makers. I love helping people and problem solving so always happy to help.

Outside of Makers I love to cook, read and spend time with my godsons. I spend all of my spare time and money (pre-covid) travelling around the Caribbean for Carnivals and I am an avid fan of rum and Soca music!

I have had the full range of possible emotions while on Makers but my solution oriented project management head (with support of my mentor/peers/blog) always tries to find a resolution or a resource to fix things! Can’t wait to share my learnings and help you progress too.

I will let you know how mentor/mentee selection goes.

Now the rest of the group project today is actually quite a blur as it was super complicated but we worked through it quite quickly. Makers tell you not to compare yourself to others on the course and today was a very valid reason why. I was working with Hugh and Sean mostly on connections to our databases.

My presumption was 8 study days ago none of us had ever worked with databases before, but as I said, a presumption. Hugh was a whizz, not because he is a quick learner (well he is too) but because he has worked with them before.

Without knowing this I definitely could have spiralled myself into an insecure rut of being behind because Hugh knows more, but instead embraced the learning opportunity. But as I said it was tough stuff so heavy on my tired brain.

Finally, Wednesday is Process Workshop afternoon — an opportunity not to test what we know but how we apply it. I was paired with Rowan — an apprentice from the USA. I wasn’t as awful on the basics as last week, Win! But I definitely could have refined the process — that is why I choose to participate in the workshop — but I have submitted a recording for feedback from the coaches, so hopefully there is some constructive advice.

Software and Soca

Today I was unsuccessful for looking for my choice of Soca song, but in the search I came across and even more appropriate song from an Antiguan Soca artist Zamoni! Just a little reminder to focus on myself!




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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