Day 20 — Holy Sh*t!

3 min readJan 29, 2021


Day 20 of learning means 4 weeks of learning, 4 weeks of 12 means I have finished the first third of the course — that is insane. As the course starts a new cohort every 4 weeks it means on Monday we will no longer be the new kids in town.

But that also means a cohort graduates today too and in the October cohort I have two vested interests 1. Alex my mentor, who was working on a dystopian cyber punk drag queen trading game and 2. Margo, remember my coding bestie from a year ago? Well she joined the programme and has also graduated today building a mobile app that helps you care for and learn about your plants. More about both of them later…

This morning kicked off with Dream Team chatting about food we love and are gonna cook over the weekend mostly, that and the social we are having tomorrow night! We always get super into our chats before Zoom kicks us off for reaching the 40 min limit.

My self directed learning was less about learning this morning and more about planning. I spent time mapping out my weekend challenge against my knowledge from the week so to better understand what I have to do. Hopefully this will reduce some of the fear and anxiety.

I have created a full map of how it will be laid out, web frames for what it will look like(drawn on scraps of paper…lol), planned methods for how it will interact and have a plan of action to work through. Fingers crossed!

Lunch was another uneventful session at my desk — hopefully the weather will improve next week as I really need to get out of the house. Today’s schedule was slightly different with the final project fair — an opportunity to lift the lid on all the final projects from the cohort.

Final projects are group projects of 4–6 people, where you build a project of your choice from scratch to present at the end of the course. This is a chance to really flex the skills you have learnt on the course and also add to them too. Todays project fair really helped me have some direction of how what we are learning will help build some real world products.

My pairing this afternoon was shorter than usual, but I was with the lovely Oscar. He unfortunately had found himself stuck in a hole of code that he was unable to get himself out of and I wasn’t much help either. So we decided to rewind some of my code and build from there!

The day ended with a full presentation of the final week projects — I was super proud of Alex and Margo’s projects and both of their teams look like they had put in the hard work but also had fun at the same time!

It won’t be long until that is me and then the real hard work of job hunting will begin. But the one thing I will take away from those projects today is enjoyment — there is no point putting all this effort in if you did not enjoy the journey, something I really need to remember when the times are tough!

Time to crack on with the weekend project!

Software and Soca

I was quite stumped on a final choice for the mixes of this week and I thought I would take you a little of piste to a great Zouk mix — think of Zouk as Soca’s cousin! This is a great round up of some of my favourites — enjoy!




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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