Day 16 — For now

3 min readJan 25, 2021


Today’s blog title came to me yesterday while talking to my good friend Karen about design and making my weekend project look a little sexier than it started. I had a dawning about a saying that many of my friends say in St. Lucia. You ask them, ‘How are they doing?’ and their response is always ‘Good, for now’, or ‘Great for now’.

It infuriates me up until today —I hate that ‘for now’ speaks some not good things into existence in the future. People have been asking me how the course is going and my response ‘Really good, for now!’. I have had a great weekend building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Web app, but I know another week at Makers, means a lot more learning and a lot more uncertainty.

Enjoy the little walk through of my weekend challenge and some of my dulcet tones from the voiceover. This is still very much a first draft, but it works.

Back to today, Monday mornings for the past 2 weeks have been challenging affairs, mostly because I haven’t slept due to a stressful weekend challenge. On Friday, my epiphany definitely led me to a more relaxed, productive and enjoyable weekend. I finished the core structure of my work by Saturday night and was able to spend Sunday working on ‘beautifying’ it and refactoring some of the code that runs it.

But Sunday night, I was in bed by half 10 and asleep pretty soon after. This meant I woke up bright and breezy, ready to take on the week. The day started as usual with a Dream Team check in, we all had had a good-ish weekend and chat was more about how to improve rather than how to get things to work — Great start!

My code review this morning was with my afternoon pair-partner Anna. She unfortunately was having wifi issues so I submitted it to the coaches for some feedback. A coach Tatsiana — who we are yet to work with — gave me some really great feedback, that both challenges my thinking and stretches me.

From there Eóin had put in an extra workshop for us on testing — which I think I am finally starting to understand — as well as the launch for Week 4!!! We are adding to what we learnt last week by adding databases to the mix — ‘for now’ is about to be over.

Lunch was a chilled family vibe today, on the phone with my mum and sister — I really enjoyed completely switching off for an hour.

By this afternoon Anna had fixed her wifi issues and we were off on learning about PostgreSQL — the database system we were going to be using this week. We worked at a nice steady pace, with some good breaks for chatting about life, our pasts, future, the course and everything else.

Something that is so hard on a virtual course is you don’t get the ‘water cooler’ chats you would get if we were in person. Maybe my final project could be introducing a water cooler to the slack channel — although it has probably been done already!

Software and Soca

Today’s offering is actually a mix — this mix is legendary of it’s own accord. It usually coincides with Trinidad Carnival ramping up — unfortunately there is no Carnival for Trinidad this year, but DJ Private Ryan still came to the rescue with Soca Starter 2021(The Quaruntine House Party)!




Written by Katrina

On a mission to learn to code while playing soca!

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